Please fill in the following completely:

This form helps a pro-se litigant (a person representing themselves in court) to fill out a complaint for a return of their security deposit. It is important that you follow the instructions carefully and review the basic advice you would recieve from most attorneys on this type of matter. Prosecuting such a claim is normally difficult, but your chances of succeeding are that much less if you fail to follow the statutory requirements of such a claim.

This section is about the first party, also known as the Plaintiff. If there is a case already pending, please look at the header of the case file at the names of the party. (John Doe v. Jane Doe) (Plaintiff v. Defendant).

If you are filling out this form to start a complaint, you are the Plaintiff. In this type of action, the tenant (renter) is normally the Plaintiff as well. If there are multiple tenants, you must add them all under name.

What is the first party's full name (first, middle, last)?
What is the first party's street address? (ie: 123 Anywhere Drive)
What city does the first party live in? (ie: Orlando)
What state does the first party live in? (ie: Florida)
What zip code does the first party live in? (ie: 32789)
What is the best phone number that can be used to reach the first party? (ie: 386-123-4567)
What is the best email that can be used to reach the first party? (ie:

This section is about the second party in the action. The second party is also known as the Respondent. In this type of proceeding, the second party is usually the landlord. It is generally very wise to make sure that the person who is being sued actually owns the property. It is recommended that you contact the Property Appraiser's office for the county within which the property is located to determine that information. If there are multiple landlords, you must add them all under name.

What is the second party's full name (first, middle, last)?
What is the second party's street address? (ie: 123 Anywhere Drive)
What city does the second party live in? (ie: Orlando)
What state does the second party live in? (ie: Florida)
What zip code does the second party live in? (ie: 32789)
What is the best phone number that can be used to reach the second party? (ie: 386-123-4567)
What is the best email that can be used to reach the second party? (ie:

The following sections are about the case and some ancillary questions.

Within which county is the rental property subject to the security deposited located?
If a case is already pending, what is the case number? (ie: 2020-DR-123456)
Are you (the person filling out this form) the Petitioner or Respondent? Who is the Judge in this case? (Enter TBD if unknown)
If an attorney is representing the other side, what is that attorney's full name?
If an attorney is representing the other side, what is that attorney's full address?
If an attorney is representing the other side, what is that attorney's email?

What was the date you entered into a lease with the landlord?
Was the lease oral or written?
What is the full address of the property you leased?
How much rent did you pay and in what period? (ie: $800 per month; $200 each week)
What was the amount of the security deposit?

Gather your receipt or the lease which details the amount you gave to the landlord for the security deposit. That will be your EXHIBIT A. Make sure you attach it to your complaint after we generate it.

When did you vacate the property?
Did you receive from the landlord a notice of intent to impose a claim on the security deposit you gave them?
If you answered yes to getting a notice, enter the date you got the notice?

If you got a notice, gather that notice from the landlord. That will be your EXHIBIT B. Make sure you attach it to your complaint after we generate it.

Did you respond to the notice of intent to impose a claim?
If you answered yes to responding, enter the date responded?

If you responded to the notice, gather that response. That will be your EXHIBIT C. Make sure you attach it to your complaint after we generate it.

Did you make a demand for the security deposit?
If you answered yes to making a demand, enter the date you made the demand?

If you made a demand, gather that document. That will be your EXHIBIT D. Make sure you attach it to your complaint after we generate it.

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No employee or agent is authorized to conclude any binding agreement on behalf of Hallisky Davis and Associates, LLC ("HDA") with another party by email or otherwise without express written confirmation by the company signed by the managing members. HDA accepts no liability for the content of any communication with any agent, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided, unless that information is subsequently confirmed in a writing signed by all parties.No advice or information provided should be construed as acting to create or modify any attorney-client relationship between the recipient and HDA or any attorney(s) working for the business. The use of this website will be governed solely by the end-user license agreement and the terms of service.


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